As I learn about parenting, mothering and learn about other women who are doing it too, I am reminded time and again that the way women figure out "how to do it" is by getting support, advice and talking to other women. Every morning I check my email and there is "MamaSource" a great connection to women in your area, with women asking for help, asking for support and asking women to teach them from their experience. It is refresing to me to see that women are reccomeding the things I feel in my core around mothering: trusting your child, breastfeeding is essential, co-sleeping is natural and healthy, cloth diapering is wonderful for mothers and babies, and I love to hear women opening up, asking for help and recieving it.
I know that as a woman, asking for help from those around me should be easy and safe.
I wish each woman a safe and healthy way to ask for help.
And this picure... my husband found it! I know this delight of breastfeeding, and I hope that every mother gets a chance to know the delight of breastfeeding too! (I don't know the company who made this ad, but they must have been breastfed!)
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