I am constantly watching people discover their cycles. It always amazes me to see women realize how many choices they have... and to find the pleasure of honoring their cycles. My sweet sister in law called from college to help her friends order menstrual products, and I felt a sense of comfort knowing that these young women were somewhere talking about making changes in the way they choose to honor their cycle blood each month. To these women, and all the ones to come, I thank you as our mother earth thanks you and as your body thanks you for choosing to make a change... whether it is using re-useable pads at home or a commitment to no longer buying any disposables, whatever you are ready and able to do, it is amazing and powerful!
Terry Tempest Williams says...
"Today, I feel stronger, learning to live with the natural cycles of a day and to not expect so much from myself. As women, we hold the moon in out bellies. It is too much to ask to operate on a full-moon energy three hundred and sixty-five days a year. I am in a crescent phase. And the energy we expend emotionally belongs to the hidden side of the moon."
I am in full moon tonight... where are you? Create a new word for where you are in your cycle...
I have a few sites i think are beautiful and amazing to look at... this one shocked me and surprised me: www.spiralingmoon.livejournal.com www.milkandcookies.com
1 comment:
I am the mother of Sierra, the grandmother of her children Jude and Scarlett and the daughter of Evelyn who , at 86, is struggling in her ending life season right now. For me, at age 48, I am still in my moon cycle and menstruate each month in tandem with Sierra. Together we onset usually within 48 hours and since our bodies are so similar, we share some of the same body callings - rest the hips, massage the cramping feet, make time - if we possibly can, for more rest. For me it is easier. For Sierra..with two small children, it is a challenge.
- as the full moon comes on and I head to bed with my moon cycle in red circles in my tired eyes...Helene
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