
Thursday, March 27, 2008


I love to hear that women like what Green Women Mercnantile is doing!

Megan says:
With two little ones in diapers, I'm so tired of throwing so many away everyday and thinking about where they are going-- to the landfill to sit. So while Sophie is almost potty trained, Luca is a long ways off. I decided to give clothe diapering a try and have a nice little starter set. While I might not clothe diaper for every occasion, it something I always wanted to try and now I'm going to give it a shot with Luca.

My friend, Sierra, owner of Green Women Mercantile is having a sale on her clothe diaper liners, so I decided to go and try it. If you've ever wanted to try clothe diapering, now is a great time to start with the new year.

It inspires me to make changes when I see other women and mothers making them... it makes me feel that it is possible for adaptations to occur in my life, even when things are hectic!

I think this beautiful quote applies here:
Our real hunger is not for things
but for a higher image of ourselves

I am learning to see the changes I wish to make and to see myself as the person I wish to become as a mother, wife and woman of this world.

May each of you make changes in this spring time of change.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Keeper... Powerful for the whole of our planet!

My goodness... as a woman on this planet, I get so many messages... so many powerful thoughts, and I choose what I want to think about and what I don't! Several years ago I came across a web site called BloodSisters which is all about choosing re-usable menstrual products, which intrigued me. I am ok with the thought that this isn't interesting or worthwhile for all women, but thinking about the impact our choices have on the greater good, choices as simple as choosing what we use when we have our monthly period, makes me aware of how powerful I am on my own.

SO... I am proud to use 100% re-usable menstrual products every month, for nearly two years now. When I get my cycle, I get a happy feeling opening my little basket of my supplies in all beautiful colors (about 12 reusable Petunia Pads, two Sorella Luna Sea Sponge Tampons and a Keeper) ready for me to use.

Ultimately, what it comes down to is this picture below... and when I go into myself, and think about the value I have as a person on this planet, I know that this simple choice makes a world of difference!!!