I have had such fun cloth diapering my babes... and though my pleasure is great to have two children potty trained, I will always remember the sweet meditation I found in folding diapers and the joy of using my special diapers on both my children.
I am delighted to hear the women around me with their children expressing a desire to give cloth diapering a try.
My friend just bought a few diapers to give it a try and I love what she says:
"With two little ones in diapers, I'm so tired of throwing so many away everyday and thinking about where they are going-- to the landfill to sit. So while Sophie is almost potty trained, Luca is a long ways off. I decided to give clothe diapering a try and have a nice little starter set. While I might not clothe diaper for every occasion, it something I always wanted to try and now I'm going to give it a shot with Luca."
So... whether you are a seasoned cloth diaper mother, or new to the idea, I send you my diapering love and words to remember: the time we have with our babies is short. Enjoy the diaper changes you have been given as a time to focus love on your little one, to touch them lovingly and nurture them .
Happy New Year from the Green Mother- Sierra