
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Women and babies... beautiful bonding!

Sierra and Scarlett in Isla Mujeras, Mexico - April 2006

Crystal and Shannon in Beulah, Colorado in a Bundle Bug... nursing in a sling, the happiest baby ever... Summer 2006

What do I love about slings and baby wearing? I will let the pictures do the talking.

We want to see pictures of your babies in slings!!! Please post them or email them and let us post them!!!


Monday, January 29, 2007

Green Goddess Open House - You are Invited

We are honored to participate in a fundraiser for the Mountain Park Environmental Center on Friday February 2ND, 2007 starting at 4:30pm and going until... well, until people decide to go home! at 249 W. Linden (Pueblo West, CO). Hosted by MPEC Board members: Ann Warren and Sarah Brustele. For more info call 719-485-4444.

The proceeds of our sale will go to benefit "Getting Kids into Nature". An anonymous donor will match all donations to the "MPEC at Horseshoe Lodge" project until Valentine's Day 2007. By supporting us at this benefit, you will be supporting hundreds of children's connection with nature in the years to come... find out more about the MPEC's Horseshoe Lodge campaign at

Directions: Hwy. 50 to Pueblo West, turn left onto Purcell, right onto Linden. Go 1.5 miles (just past Greenway Ave) - 249 W. Linden.

What will we have for you at this event? Food, drink, and your opportunity to buy gifts for your loved ones while you support a great cause.

I hope to see you there...

This picture is from "the Birds and the Bees" summer program for teenage girls at the MPEC 2007, Scarlett and Sierra were proud to be part of the group!

Basket Pictures...

The Green Women are connected to Ghana...

Hooray, our shipment of baskets have arrived from the African Basket Project... these beautiful baskets for some reason touch me so deeply. Perhaps it is the thought that they are handmade by women sitting with other women, nursing their babies, singing songs, tending their children as they make them... I carry my children's diapers and food in them, I carry my journal and wallet around, and each time I pack my basket for our outing, I smile and feel that connection...

This company is amazing. You can see their website at These baskets are bought on fair trade and the workers are paid fair and living wages. Also, the company puts money back into the communites... health care and education... things all people should have...

As I look at this stack of baskets sitting in my home, I imagine the women who made them and imagine the women who will use them, and hope that all women find connections to each other, whether through baskets or conversation... women supporting and listening to each other.
